Lab 6 Solutions

Solution Files


Consult this section if you need a refresher on the material for this lab. It's okay to skip directly to the questions and refer back here should you get stuck.


Some objects in Python, such as lists and dictionaries, are mutable, meaning that their contents or state can be changed. Other objects, such as numeric types, tuples, and strings, are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed once they are created.

Let's imagine you order a mushroom and cheese pizza from La Val's, and they represent your order as a list:

>>> pizza = ['cheese', 'mushrooms']

With list mutation, they can update your order by mutate pizza directly rather than having to create a new list:

>>> pizza.append('onions')
>>> pizza
['cheese', 'mushrooms', 'onions']

Aside from append, there are various other list mutation methods:

  • append(el): Add el to the end of the list. Return None.
  • extend(lst): Extend the list by concatenating it with lst. Return None.
  • insert(i, el): Insert el at index i. This does not replace any existing elements, but only adds the new element el. Return None.
  • remove(el): Remove the first occurrence of el in list. Errors if el is not in the list. Return None otherwise.
  • pop(i): Remove and return the element at index i.

We can also use list indexing with an assignment statement to change an existing element in a list. For example:

>>> pizza[1] = 'tomatoes'
>>> pizza
['cheese', 'tomatoes', 'onions']


An iterable is any object that can be iterated through, or gone through one element at a time. One construct that we've used to iterate through an iterable is a for loop:

for elem in iterable:
    # do something

for loops work on any object that is iterable. We previously described it as working with any sequence -- all sequences are iterable, but there are other objects that are also iterable! We define an iterable as an object on which calling the built-in iter function returns an iterator. An iterator is another type of object that allows us to iterate through an iterable by keeping track of which element is next in the sequence.

To illustrate this, consider the following block of code, which does the exact same thing as the for statement above:

iterator = iter(iterable)
    while True:
        elem = next(iterator)
        # do something
except StopIteration:

Here's a breakdown of what's happening:

  • First, the built-in iter function is called on the iterable to create a corresponding iterator.
  • To get the next element in the sequence, the built-in next function is called on this iterator.
  • When next is called but there are no elements left in the iterator, a StopIteration error is raised. In the for loop construct, this exception is caught and execution can continue.

Calling iter on an iterable multiple times returns a new iterator each time with distinct states (otherwise, you'd never be able to iterate through a iterable more than once). You can also call iter on the iterator itself, which will just return the same iterator without changing its state. However, note that you cannot call next directly on an iterable.

Let's see the iter and next functions in action with an iterable we're already familiar with -- a list.

>>> lst = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> next(lst)             # Calling next on an iterable
TypeError: 'list' object is not an iterator
>>> list_iter = iter(lst) # Creates an iterator for the list
>>> list_iter
<list_iterator object ...>
>>> next(list_iter)       # Calling next on an iterator
>>> next(list_iter)       # Calling next on the same iterator
>>> next(iter(list_iter)) # Calling iter on an iterator returns itself
>>> list_iter2 = iter(lst)
>>> next(list_iter2)      # Second iterator has new state
>>> next(list_iter)       # First iterator is unaffected by second iterator
>>> next(list_iter)       # No elements left!
>>> lst                   # Original iterable is unaffected
[1, 2, 3, 4]

Since you can call iter on iterators, this tells us that that they are also iterables! Note that while all iterators are iterables, the converse is not true - that is, not all iterables are iterators. You can use iterators wherever you can use iterables, but note that since iterators keep their state, they're only good to iterate through an iterable once:

>>> list_iter = iter([4, 3, 2, 1])
>>> for e in list_iter:
...     print(e)
>>> for e in list_iter:
...     print(e)

Analogy: An iterable is like a book (one can flip through the pages) and an iterator for a book would be a bookmark (saves the position and can locate the next page). Calling iter on a book gives you a new bookmark independent of other bookmarks, but calling iter on a bookmark gives you the bookmark itself, without changing its position at all. Calling next on the bookmark moves it to the next page, but does not change the pages in the book. Calling next on the book wouldn't make sense semantically. We can also have multiple bookmarks, all independent of each other.

Iterable Uses

We know that lists are one type of built-in iterable objects. You may have also encountered the range(start, end) function, which creates an iterable of ascending integers from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).

>>> for x in range(2, 6):
...     print(x)

Ranges are useful for many things, including performing some operations for a particular number of iterations or iterating through the indices of a list.

There are also some built-in functions that take in iterables and return useful results:

  • map(f, iterable) - Creates an iterator over f(x) for x in iterable. In some cases, computing a list of the values in this iterable will give us the same result as [func(x) for x in iterable]. However, it's important to keep in mind that iterators can potentially have infinite values because they are evaluated lazily, while lists cannot have infinite elements.
  • filter(f, iterable) - Creates an iterator over x for each x in iterable if f(x)
  • zip(iterables*) - Creates an iterator over co-indexed tuples with elements from each of the iterables
  • reversed(iterable) - Creates an iterator over all the elements in the input iterable in reverse order
  • list(iterable) - Creates a list containing all the elements in the input iterable
  • tuple(iterable) - Creates a tuple containing all the elements in the input iterable
  • sorted(iterable) - Creates a sorted list containing all the elements in the input iterable
  • reduce(f, iterable) - Must be imported with functools. Apply function of two arguments f cumulatively to the items of iterable, from left to right, so as to reduce the sequence to a single value.

Required Questions

Getting Started Videos

These videos may provide some helpful direction for tackling the coding problems on this assignment.

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Q1: WWPD: List-Mutation

Important: For all WWPD questions, type Function if you believe the answer is <function...>, Error if it errors, and Nothing if nothing is displayed.

Use Ok to test your knowledge with the following "What Would Python Display?" questions:

python3 ok -q list-mutation -u

>>> lst = [5, 6, 7, 8]
>>> lst.append(6)
>>> lst
[5, 6, 7, 8, 6]
>>> lst.insert(0, 9) >>> lst
[9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6]
>>> x = lst.pop(2) >>> lst
[9, 5, 7, 8, 6]
>>> lst.remove(x) >>> lst
[9, 5, 7, 8]
>>> a, b = lst, lst[:] >>> a is lst
>>> b == lst
>>> b is lst
>>> lst = [1, 2, 3] >>> lst.extend([4,5]) >>> lst
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> lst.extend([lst.append(9), lst.append(10)]) >>> lst
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, None, None]

Q2: Insert Items

Write a function which takes in a list lst, an argument entry, and another argument elem. This function will check through each item in lst to see if it is equal to entry. Upon finding an item equal to entry, the function should modify the list by placing elem into lst right after the item. At the end of the function, the modified list should be returned.

See the doctests for examples on how this function is utilized.

Important: Use list mutation to modify the original list. No new lists should be created or returned.

Note: If the values passed into entry and elem are equivalent, make sure you're not creating an infinitely long list while iterating through it. If you find that your code is taking more than a few seconds to run, the function may be in an infinite loop of inserting new values.

def insert_items(lst, entry, elem):
    """Inserts elem into lst after each occurrence of entry and then returns lst.

    >>> test_lst = [1, 5, 8, 5, 2, 3]
    >>> new_lst = insert_items(test_lst, 5, 7)
    >>> new_lst
    [1, 5, 7, 8, 5, 7, 2, 3]
    >>> test_lst
    [1, 5, 7, 8, 5, 7, 2, 3]
    >>> double_lst = [1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3]
    >>> double_lst = insert_items(double_lst, 3, 4)
    >>> double_lst
    [1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4]
    >>> large_lst = [1, 4, 8]
    >>> large_lst2 = insert_items(large_lst, 4, 4)
    >>> large_lst2
    [1, 4, 4, 8]
    >>> large_lst3 = insert_items(large_lst2, 4, 6)
    >>> large_lst3
    [1, 4, 6, 4, 6, 8]
    >>> large_lst3 is large_lst
    >>> # Ban creating new lists
    >>> from construct_check import check
    >>> check(HW_SOURCE_FILE, 'insert_items',
    ...       ['List', 'ListComp', 'Slice'])
index = 0 while index < len(lst): if lst[index] == entry: lst.insert(index + 1, elem) if entry == elem: index += 1 index += 1 return lst # Alternative solution index = 0 while index < len(lst): if lst[index] == entry: lst.insert(index + 1, elem) index += 2 else: index += 1 return lst

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q insert_items

Video Walkthrough:

YouTube link


Q3: WWPD: Iterators

Important: Enter StopIteration if a StopIteration exception occurs, Error if you believe a different error occurs, and Iterator if the output is an iterator object.

Use Ok to test your knowledge with the following "What Would Python Display?" questions:

python3 ok -q iterators-wwpd -u

Python's built-in map, filter, and zip functions return iterators, not lists. These built-in functions are different from the my_map and my_filter functions we implemented in Discussion 05.

>>> s = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> t = iter(s)
>>> next(s) # 
>>> next(t)
>>> next(t)
>>> iter(s)
>>> next(iter(s))
>>> next(iter(t))
>>> next(iter(s))
>>> next(iter(t))
>>> next(t)
>>> r = range(6)
>>> r_iter = iter(r)
>>> next(r_iter)
>>> [x + 1 for x in r]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> [x + 1 for x in r_iter]
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> next(r_iter)
>>> list(range(-2, 4)) # Converts an iterable into a list
[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> map_iter = map(lambda x : x + 10, range(5))
>>> next(map_iter)
>>> next(map_iter)
>>> list(map_iter)
[12, 13, 14]
>>> for e in filter(lambda x : x % 2 == 0, range(1000, 1008)): ... print(e)
1000 1002 1004 1006
>>> [x + y for x, y in zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])]
[5, 7, 9]
>>> for e in zip([10, 9, 8], range(3)): ... print(tuple(map(lambda x: x + 2, e)))
(12, 2) (11, 3) (10, 4)

Q4: Count Occurrences

Implement count_occurrences, which takes in an iterator t and returns the number of times the value x appears in the first n elements of t. A value appears in a sequence of elements if it is equal to an entry in the sequence.

Note: You can assume that t will have at least n elements.

Hint: When the same iterator is passed into a function twice, it should pick up where it left off. Take note of how we pass the iterator s twice in the doctests into two consecutive calls to count_occurrences. Here, s didn't restart from the beginning of the iterable since in the second count_occurrences call, the iterator goes through three 2s, starting from the second value in the iterator, not the first.

def count_occurrences(t, n, x):
    """Return the number of times that x appears in the first n elements of iterator t.

    >>> s = iter([10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 8, 8, 8, 7])
    >>> count_occurrences(s, 10, 9)
    >>> s2 = iter([10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 8, 8, 8, 7])
    >>> count_occurrences(s2, 3, 10)
    >>> s = iter([3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5])
    >>> count_occurrences(s, 1, 3)
    >>> count_occurrences(s, 3, 2)
    >>> next(s)
    >>> s2 = iter([4, 1, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2, 5])
    >>> count_occurrences(s2, 6, 6)
count = 0 for _ in range(n): value = next(t) if value == x: count += 1 return count

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q count_occurrences

Q5: Repeated

Implement repeated, which takes in an iterator t and returns the first value in t that appears k times in a row.

Note: You can assume that the iterator t will have a value that appears at least k times in a row. If you are receiving a StopIteration, your repeated function is likely not identifying the correct value.

Your implementation should iterate through the items in a way such that if the same iterator is passed into repeated twice, it should continue in the second call at the point it left off in the first. An example of this behavior is in the doctests.

def repeated(t, k):
    """Return the first value in iterator T that appears K times in a row.
    Iterate through the items such that if the same iterator is passed into
    the function twice, it continues in the second call at the point it left
    off in the first.

    >>> s = iter([10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 8, 8, 8, 7])
    >>> repeated(s, 2)
    >>> s2 = iter([10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 8, 8, 8, 7])
    >>> repeated(s2, 3)
    >>> s = iter([3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5])
    >>> repeated(s, 3)
    >>> repeated(s, 3)
    >>> s2 = iter([4, 1, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2, 5])
    >>> repeated(s2, 3)
    assert k > 1
count = 1 last_item = None while True: item = next(t) if item == last_item: count += 1 else: last_item = item count = 1 if count == k: return item

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q repeated


Make sure to submit this assignment by uploading any files you've edited to the appropriate Gradescope assignment. For a refresher on how to do this, refer to Lab 00.

Optional Questions

These questions are optional, but you must complete them in order to be checked off before the end of the lab period. They are also useful practice!

Leonardo da Vinci is well know for his inventions, his paintings, and his numerous contributions to many other fields. It is less known that he only turned to art after failing miserably as an apprentice in a pizzeria. (Granted, modern pizza was invented centuries after his era, but its precursors have been around since Roman times.)

One day, little Leonardo was at the pizzeria, mindlessly flipping over partially cooked crusts with a spatula. At that moment, inspiration struck, and he realized that he could sort the crusts in a stack, so that the largest ended up at the bottom and the smallest at the top, with each crust smaller than the one below it. He named his procedure "pizza sort" and wrote it down in a journal.

Unfortunately, that journal was lost to time, so pizza sort, perhaps Leonardo's greatest invention, remained unknown. Until now. Last year, a previously unknown journal was found in the hands of a private collector, and it appears to be that elusive journal in which Leonardo recorded his pizza sort. Unfortunately, time has not been kind to the journal, so many details are missing. But archaeologists have managed to recover one key piece of the puzzle: the only allowed move in pizza sort is to place the spatula under a crust in the stack and flip the set of crusts above the spatula:

========== <--- spatula underneath this crust


========== }
    ==     } flipped
   ====    }

Q6: Partial Reverse

Implement this flip operation in code, with the stack of crusts represented as a list starting from the bottom of the stack. Write a function partial_reverse to reverse the subset of a list starting from start until the end of the list. This reversal should be in-place, meaning that the original list is modified. Do not create a new list inside your function, even if you do not return it.

Note: As can be seen from the doctests, partial_reverse should return None. (Don't put in an explicit return None, however; either leave out any return statement or just use return with no expression.)

def partial_reverse(lst, start):
    """Reverse part of a list in-place, starting with start up to the end of
    the list.

    >>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    >>> partial_reverse(a, 2)
    >>> a
    [1, 2, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3]
    >>> partial_reverse(a, 5)
    >>> a
    [1, 2, 7, 6, 5, 3, 4]
end = len(lst) - 1 while start < end: lst[start], lst[end] = lst[end], lst[start] start, end = start + 1, end - 1

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q partial_reverse

Q7: Index Largest

The archaeologists also found some indecipherable symbols along with the description of the above procedure. As they could make neither heads nor tails of it, they called it "the da Vinci code." Hoping to crack it, they asked Eva Lu Ator, a leading computer scientist, for help. Upon closer examination, she realized that the da Vinci code was actual code, in a rudimentary programming language that Leonardo had invented. This code would find the position of the largest crust in a stack of pizzas.

Help Eva to translate the da Vinci code into Python. Write a function that takes in a sequence and returns the index of the largest element in the sequence:

def index_largest(seq):
    """Return the index of the largest element in the sequence.

    >>> index_largest([8, 5, 7, 3 ,1])
    >>> index_largest((4, 3, 7, 2, 1))
    assert len(seq) > 0
return seq.index(max(seq)) # Alternate solution def index_largest2(seq): """Return the index of the largest element in the sequence. >>> index_largest2([8, 5, 7, 3 ,1]) 0 >>> index_largest2((4, 3, 7, 2, 1)) 2 """ assert len(seq) > 0 largest_index, largest_val = 0, seq[0] for i in range(1, len(seq)): if seq[i] > largest_val: largest_index, largest_val = i, seq[i] return largest_index

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q index_largest

Q8: Pizza Sort

Finally, help the world learn the secret of the da Vinci code by writing the pizza_sort function. This function takes in a list and sorts its elements in descending order, using only the previous two functions and the built-in len function. It is well-known that Leonardo hated iteration, so make sure to use recursion instead. (You may define a helper function if you want.) Lastly, you may use slicing; we are talking about pizza, after all.

Keep in mind, however, that slicing returns a new list, but you need to sort the existing list in place.

def pizza_sort(lst):
    """Perform an in-place pizza sort on the given list, resulting in
    elements in descending order.

    >>> a = [8, 5, 7, 3, 1, 9, 2]
    >>> pizza_sort(a)
    >>> a
    [9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1]
pizza_sort_helper(lst, 0)
def pizza_sort_helper(lst, start):
if start < len(lst)-1:
partial_reverse(lst, start + index_largest(lst[start:]))
partial_reverse(lst, start)
pizza_sort_helper(lst, start + 1)

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q pizza_sort

Marvel in the genius that was Leonardo da Vinci!

Pizza sort was rediscovered by Jacob E. Goodman in 1975. Here is how he forumalated it, under the name Harry Dweighter (harried waiter):

"The chef in our place is sloppy, and when he prepares a stack of pancakes they come out all different sizes. Therefore, when I deliver them to a customer, on the way to the table I rearrange them (so that the smallest winds up on top, and so on, down to the largest at the bottom) by grabbing several from the top and flipping them over, repeating this (varying the number I flip) as many times as necessary. If there are :math:n pancakes, what is the maximum number of flips (as a function :math:f(n) of :math:n) that I will ever have to use to rearrange them?"

This is now widely know as the pancake problem, and the sorting algorithm is known as pancake sorting (rather than pizza sorting). Our simple version demonstrates an upper bound of :math:f(n) = 2n - 2. A certain William H. Gates, along with our own Christos Papadimitriou, demonstrated an upper bound of f(n) = (5n + 5) / 3, in a paper that has the distinction of being "the only well-known mathematics paper ever written by" Bill Gates. See the Wikipedia page on pancake sorting for more information.